Joe Yiu – architectural interior designer
Joe Yiu 生於裝潢工程世家,從小對設計有濃厚興趣,更被導師發現富有藝術及設計天份。曾跟隨當代藝術家吳劍明博士習西洋繪畫及純藝術,先後於大一藝術設計學院,室內及環境設計系以第一名畢業及遠赴英國創意藝術大學 (University for the Creative Arts) 設計學碩士畢業,作品贏得獎學金及傑出國際學生獎。
藝術與設計是生活中不可缺少的一部分,Joe Yiu不但從事室內設計工作,亦參與平面設計及品牌設計項目,更經常以藝術融入設計當中,作品風格以大自然及時尚為主導。
目前擔任 Y’s Concept Limited 設計公司創辦人及設計總監,Art Dreamers International Limited 設計總監,及院校美術及設計系導師。
國際聯盟建築師及設計專業, 中國及香港區代表委員
香港專業教育學院 IVE 客席講師
2010 大一藝術設計學院姚俊傑個人環保設計展
2010 大一藝術設計學院姚俊傑個人攝影展
2015 嶺南大學藝術家聯展
2015 K11商場 《香港美善之都》彩繪鋼琴藝術巡禮
“天下皆知美之為美,斯惡已” 老子-道德經二章
“When in the world everybody knows the beautiful in its effect as beauty – then the ugliness, as well.”, Laozi – Tao Te Ching Chapter 2
The philosophy of Laozi has been founded 2500 years ago in ancient China. The core concept emphasizes the communion between human and nature, and thereby strengthens one’s morality/personality. When I studied this ancient philosophy, I was amazed at the wisdom of Laozi which deeply understands the human weakness that human desire is in confrontation with the nature. Influenced by Laozi’s philosophy, I got a totally new definition of architecture, design and beauty. The Earth can be alive eternally without human beings, but human cannot live independent of the nature.
I have devoted myself to the development of sustainable humanized and moral design from which I merge philosophy into space to exert its influence. During the design process, I will focus on the metaphysical beauty, so as to fulfill one’s pursuit of inner spiritual beauty. I believe physical beauty deteriorates with time and merely seducing people’s desire. On the contrary, metaphysical beauty goes beyond time limit and pursuits a harmonious relation between humanity and nature to reach a peaceful mind.
For me, design is a kind of philosophy and a process of pursuing the truth.
“A good design aims at solving problems, not creating problems.”
The biggest problem we are facing now is the shortage of the earth’s resources. In view of this, many designers have designed a lot of environmental friendly products. However, some of those products do not really solve problems. Instead, they are creating other problems. The success of an environmental friendly product depends on a lot of factors. Other than a great and feasible concept, large amount of capitals and resources are also required. Whether the products are marketable or not is another uncertainty. With so many challenges, the products are often easily defeated. Very often the designers’ decision will directly affect how the resources on earth are to be used. Therefore, it is the designers’ responsibility to introduce the clients with environmentally friendly products and concepts, and more importantly, to educate them the knowledge of saving resources.
As designers, we should respect our professional and use the earth’s resources wisely.